From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

Clients have really appreciated the video .. sales staff are so pleased to have this tool. It is very empowering to show.

Anisa Meriem Telwar
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Anisa International
Quotation Mark

(We) took a fairly substantial audit of .. sophisticated sites both technically and creatively .. Out of six prominent designers, Digital Tsunami stood out.

The quality of the images, the sophisticated management of text .. together with smooth animations makes (our) website of very high calibre.

I would personally rate this site in the top 2 percent of world wide web sites today.

Paul McCloskey
Dural, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

I don't know what you do, but you do it well.

Aimee An Duffy
Gwynedd, Wales
Quotation Mark

In taking the time to understand our business, industry and vision, Digital Tsunami created a site which strongly reflects our leadership position in the international market and our strategic direction.

Digital Tsunami's expertise in visual design, information architecture, innovative communication and evocative business writing, resulted in an extremely effective website which will contribute to our continuing expansion across the globe.

Travis Taylor
Communication Coordinator
Stapylton, Queensland, Australia
Quotation Mark

The launch .. was a success. We were able to present this live on a Wireless connection during our Sydney, Australia sales conference on a location with very limited internet bandwidth. This proves the technology used .. renders light webpages which are easy to download on a browser.

Comments I've heard from our employees were all positive and reflected precisely what we were looking for: a simple but concise, clean and effective webpage.

We acknowledge the timeframe given to you was extremely short but nevertheless you have sucessfully delivered the project on schedule .. the critical success factor was communication and availability of Digital Tsunami's team.

I am very glad we were able to partner with such a professional team as yours and I am confident any other initiatives with you will be as successful.

Claudio Falcão Gomes
IT Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Solvay Pharmaceuticals